Tropical Flowering Plants You Must Have in Your Backyard

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Tropical flowers bring a tropical paradise into your backyard. Besides, more color, size, and wonderful fragrance, tropical flowering plants create a small ecosystem for you. Butterflies, bees and birds will flock to your garden filled with tropical plants, attracted to the colors and aromas. The nectar of these is especially appealing to insects and birds. Some of the most inexpensive and wonderful plants you can buy for your tropical backyard are hibiscus plants and orchids. Others that will give you calm and peace are lovely bromeliads in warmer climates. Many of these are low-maintenance beauties, so you won’t have to hassle yourself tending to your garden. A list of great plants to own in a tropical backyard follows here.


The clivia, called the natal lily, is a hardy plant. Many a gardener loves this pretty tropical flowering plant that yields the most beautiful peach-colored blooms. It flourishes in shade as well as partial sun and can be potted as well bed-grown. Liking dry weather, it doesn’t need too much fertilizer. Clivia likes the snug feel of roots clumped close by. Needing soil that is drained well, blooms may sprout in a bright yellow or deep orange color.

Ginger Plant

Exquisite as they are aromatic, ginger plants source pretty yellow, pink or orange flowers. Hot and humid weather with partial sunlight suits them best. Resembling something of an alien species with elongated anthers, the unique variety of Zingiber neglectum is popular among tropical plants. Plants need well-drained loamy soil conditions. When temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 °C), you need to bring plants indoors to avoid browning on tips of petals.


The tropical flowers of the hibiscus plant are the stuff that tropical scenes are made of. The plant (and its large red or orange blooms) brings forth a flamenco aura and will look pleasing on a patio or a lush garden. An abundance of sunshine and water will give you plants consistently blooming and healthy. Blooms can be 8 inches in diameter in the flourishing season of growth. The vivid colors of hibiscus flowers act as beacons to draw in butterflies and bees. Some varieties come in yellow, pink and white, so its easy to complement plants. Rich soil which is mildly acidic does wonders for this plant.


The family of orchid plants is the most sough-after of all tropical flowering plants on the planet. As flowers go, orchids are exotic, but need some tending to. Some folks don’t find success growing it the first time around, but these are hardy once they start developing. In the right medium of growth, orchids do well in a chunky growing mix of bark and soil. Orchids can’t be watered too much, so if they’re in pots, pots should have holes. Plants do well in a humid environment, loving semi-lit conditions. Orchids can come in different colors, from pink and magenta, to purple and blue. They look extravagant and will add excitement to any space.


Vigorous with its vivid colors, this vine is the iconic reminder of many a tropical country’s garden. If you have visited countries in Mediterranean regions, you will remember these as they grow rampantly in splendor. This is a vine, needing a sunny and dry climate. Full days under the hot sun are great for the plant which sprouts flowers, paper-thin, in bright and dark pink, white, orange or yellow. Significantly, bougainvillea thrives in the fall too as day and night temperatures remain largely equal. Soil full of humus with an acidic pH is optimal for this plant. Bougainvillea spreads, so you will need a sufficient degree of space while growing it.

Gardenia (Samoan)

Gardenias are native to Africa and are widespread throughout Polynesia and the islands nearby. The gardenia is a tropical flowering plant that is a shrub, evergreen and slow to grow. Blossoms are ivory-colored with star-shaped petals. Blooms have a strong spicy aroma, almost like musk. If you stop to take a whiff, you will inhale the scent of cinnamon, vanilla and clove, all at once! The Samoan variety, typical of Polynesia, is used as a herbal remedy. The sap is removed from the leaves and stems for this purpose.


With a beautiful name, inspiring one of the most beloved Disney characters, Jasmine is one of the most awesome tropical flowering plants you could have. Its flowers bring height and a heady fragrance to gardens. Flowers are produced from the latter part of Spring through early fall. Although the flower appears delicate, it is tough. A vine that tends to grow with a mind of its own, gardeners insist on frequent pruning to keep it in check. Humidity and water are both vital for this snow-white flower. In winter, if the plant is kept indoors, it needs partial sunlight and a pleasant temperature to live. Soil must be fertile and well-drained. Jasmine is synonymous with the color white, but beautiful pink, yellow and ivory varieties are grown as well.

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Angel’s Trumpet

This is really a beautiful tropical flowering plant to grow around you. Seemingly like an inverted daffodil, the sight of multitudes of these bell-shaped scented flowers can thrill the most austere person. As they come out in full throttle in late summer, they need partial sunlight and a moderate amount of water. They may have to be brought in for the winter, as tolerance to the cold is low.


The flowers of protea look like a thistle. Protea flowers are typical of any tropical flower arrangement, as their blooms last long as cut flowers. The plant is a native of the African continent and sports flowers that feel leathery, yet fuzzy, and are tolerant of drought-like weather. Although these are largely tropical flowering plants, they can remain out in the chill of winter. The plants need a slightly acidic soil pH with some sand mixed in. Blooms come in a wide range of colors and need moderate sunlight to grow. In winter, they need at least half a day of sunshine.


Canna is a popular tropical flowering plant, due to its habit of swift growth and the plant being widely available. You’ll find them in many backyards (and garden fronts). Used to boggy and soggy soil, Canna grows superbly in standing water too. The plant craves a great deal of sunlight as well as nutrition. You’ll need to shovel in compost or manure on a weekly basis to help the taller varieties such as phaison, to reach their maximum potential.


Flamingo flowers, as these are known, are joyous when their homes are humid and just about getting muggy. Blooms grow in the form of bracts that are either red, white, pink and maroon. The bracts have glossy surfaces and tend to appear lacquered. In dappled sunshine, this effect stands out considerably. Plants require moist soil, rich in nutrients, to thrive. The plant won’t grow well in temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4.44 °C).

Spider Lily

The Giant Spider Lily or Crinum Lily is extremely easy to grow. It grows super fast, a tiny bulb shooting up to a 5 – foot shrub in no time! Leaves are long and elegant and flower stalks are huge. As tropical flowering plants go, this is a must-have shrub. Most flowers are white, but some may come in pink and purple. What the flower lacks in color, it makes up for in its intoxicating fragrance. This is an attraction for hordes of butterflies, bees and other insects. Typical of islands in the South Pacific, the plant can adapt to very hot weather. It is salt-tolerant and lines many a beach resort on popular Pacific tourist spots. Growing in any kind of soil, it needs a great deal of water.


Passionfruit flowers are as mesmerizing as the fruit of this plant. The bloom has a distinctive appearance, like no other, and comes in hues of blueish-purple and pink. The fragrance that the passionfruit flower exudes is seductive and addictive. A hardy plant, this garden must-have can become invasive if left to its own devices. A vine that grows well in pots or on a trellis in a garden, needs support in its development. Flowers attract pollinators like bees and night moths. The plus-point of this plant is that it grows juicy fruit that is delectable.


Hundreds of varieties of the tough oleander are widely cultivated these days. Among tropical flowering plants, oleander has showy flowers, that come in shades from pristine white to dark magenta. Flowers are exceptionally scented, redolent of a lingering aroma akin to geraniums. This plant was born in the regions of the Mediterranean, and thrives in hot and dry spots. It can do well in mild winters that are wet. Hassle-free and requiring very little tending to, plants are drought-resistant. These are excellent on decks and around patios, as potted plants. They also make a great hedge row in your garden. Be wary though, as all parts of the oleander plants are toxic to both human and pets.

Positive Plants

The positive outcomes of having tropical plants in your backyard are plenty. For one thing, colors stimulate the senses and please the eye. The sight and smell of these flowers are an instant cure for anxiety and stress, improving mood and general well-being. On top of this, they keep you busy and offer up a great and natural hobby.