Last updated on November 29th, 2020 at 05:18 pm
Image source – Pixabay
Everyone loves flowers, unless you’re allergic to them. Still, when you see kinds in pictures, you can’t help but smile. They are beautiful accents at home, and even more lovely in a well-tended garden. On auspicious occasions in some cultures, they are used as religious elements. Flowers are a part of all the happy events we celebrate in life, like weddings and special days like Valentine’s Day. They are important at funerals as well. Flora plays an important role in almost every person’s life. There are so many varieties and sub-varieties, and we all have a favorite. If you think about it, there are a number of flowers that begin with each letter of the alphabet, from A to Z. Here are some lovely flowers that start with b.
Baptisia is created from more than 20 species of ancestors. It is a perennial flower of the family of Fabaceae. These flowers are natives of North America, and live for a long time. The flowers tend are showy, with deep violet and purple pea-like flowers. Flowers are sometimes white, blue and yellow too. Plants can reach heights of 1 to 5 feet. This is one of the lesser known flowers that start with b, blooming in spring and summer. The flowers attract butterflies, bees and hummingbirds. Gardeners appreciate the flower’s durability.
Baptisia is poisonous to many insects, but it is a host to butterflies. If ingested, it can be toxic to humans and animals. The plant is constituted of cytisine which is an alkaloid. In high doses, this can induce vomiting, convulsions, hallucinations and can prove fatal. Baptisia needs soil, rich in acid and drained well, to thrive. Though it is a low-maintenance plant, it requires full sunlight and an average amount of water to grow.
Bellis is a perennial plant of the sunflower family. Bellis, one of the flowers that start with b, is commonly called a “Daisy”. Flowers are native to North Africa and Europe. You will find Bellis growing wild across the British landscape and in most English gardens. Ten species constitute this flower’s descendants. Bellis is the iconic symbol of them all. Leaves of this flower are basal and flower heads are singular on a stem. Bellis is ideal for borders, bed rows and people plant them in rock gardens too. The flower head is made up of white petals and a yellow center. At night, the petals close over the center and open during the day. The flower is symbolic of purity.
Giving the impression of individual flowers, Bellis heads have disc florets (surrounding the yellow central part) and petals that are ray-like florets on the periphery. Technically, Bellis is two flowers blended as one. These are invasive flowering plants, and are resistant to pesticides and most bugs. The leaves of the plant are edible and it is used to make medicines for the treatment of coughs, gastritis, bronchitis, and diarrhea. Originally white petaled, you can get Bellis in shades of pink, red and purple now. The flower is versatile, blooming in spring, summer and fall. This is a small species of plants, growing up to heights of 8 inches. Bellis flourishes in full or partial sunlight and in moist and rich soil that is well drained. The pH of the soil doesn’t affect the plant.
Colloquially called the “Hummingbird Flower”, Boouvardia is genus of flora that comes from nearly 50 plant species. Native to Mexico and tropical parts of America, the plant is evergreen with shrub like structures and deep green foliage. Flowers resemble small trumpets with the background of star-shaped petals. There may be one or two of these on a single stem. Stems are tall and wood-like. Flowers have delicious nectar and attract butterflies and birds.
Widely grown in Holland, Bouvardia is available in yellow, pink, white, orange and a deep blood-red. Blooming in spring, autumn and summer, it can grow up to 5 feet in height. Bouvardia’s growth depends on loamy clay soil or sandy soil. Soil must be drained well and the flower needs full or partial sun. It is easy to care for.
Begonias are the most popular flowers that start with b. There are over 1500 species of these flowers, native to Asia, Africa and parts of Central and South America. Several varieties grow well in equatorial countries. The flower produces individual flowers that have double blooms. These are fancy and come in a range of colors, from pink and orange to yellow and purple. Petals are dainty and smooth. Easy to grow and tend to, they do well in shady locations and are easy to tend to.
Begonia seeds are very tiny and are not easily handled because of this. The plant has a variety of roots that are either fibrous, tuberous or rhizomatous. Begonias with fibrous roots need sun, and tolerate it well, but may burn. Begonias that have tuberous roots can store water and food underground. They have single or double flowers. Some plants in this category have very uniquely shaped leaves. They can tolerate morning sunlight. Begonias with rhizomatous roots grow from a stem that has rhizomes. This is an underground, horizontal stem. Foliage is more attractive than the flowers in this variety.
Also called the Butterfly Bush, this flower is native to Asia, Africa and some parts of North and South America. There are about 140 species of this flower that starts with b. These flowers grow on shrubs and are formed in clustered spikes of lavender blooms. Each Buddleia flower is tubular, tiny with four petals. The flowers are fragrant and very hardy and easy to care for. The species is deciduous or evergreen, and a few of these grow as trees too.
Grown as a bush, Buddleia is thought of as an invasive plant species, but this isn’t the case with some varieties. The flower is a natural magnet for butterflies and is very fragrant. The plant contains a great deal of sucrose, glucose and fructose in its nectar. Bees, hummingbirds and other insects are drawn to Buddleia as well. The flower is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat eye issues and muscle spasms.
Bellflowers cover a range of flowers that are typically bell-shaped, including common Bluebells. They are violet or blue and grow annually or bi-annually. Thriving in moderately cool weather, they bloom to a great extent in summer. Bellflowers last long among flowers that start with b. Good for landscaped gardens and border beds, these survive winters as they are hardy plants. Initially needing soil with moisture, they can prevail in times of drought, but grow in acidic soil.
The Buttercup is a pretty little flower that is yellow and resembles a small teacup. When you touch the petals, soft as butter itself, your fingers may get a yellow stain. These are cool climate perennial tuberous plants and people love them in small wedding sprays and bouquets. They do well in flower beds or in containers. Native to North America and Eurasia, they have medicinal properties that treat rheumatism, fever and skin rashes. Buttercups prefer full sunlight and soil that is drained well. Flowers grow on sturdy stems.
This is a genus that is part of around 15 species of shrubs and vines. Some plants grow as trees too. Native to South America, the plant grows abundantly in parts of Asia, particularly in India. Flowers are colorful and have a papery texture. These aren’t flowers, but leaves that are modified. They are bracts that surround tiny white flowers located in the center. The plant is popular as a vine grown on a trellis. Bracts come in dark pink, orange, yellow and white colors and the plant looks full and refreshing. One of the great flowers that start with b, a plant may grow to 40 feet in height. It doesn’t need too much water and tending to. Requiring full sunlight, it needs a mildly acidic soil which is moist and well drained.

Image source – Pixabay
Bergenia is known by names like “Elephant’s Ears” and “Winter Glow”. The flowers are native to Central Asia and come from a family of ten species. Bergenia grows in clumps, with large leaves and small flowers in clusters. The flowers are bell-shaped. Bergenia looks great as a border and in rock gardens. The flower is used for medicinal purposes to boost the immune system. A perennial plant, it comes in red, pink, white and purple colors. It blooms in spring, summer and in winter, making it a great addition to a winter garden. It can grow up to 2 feet tall and likes soil that is drained well, yet moist. Bergenia is a flower that starts with b and isn’t fussy about soil conditions. Its a low-maintenance plant and can grow in full or partial sunny spots.
Among incredible flowers that start with b, Banksia is a genus arising from around 100 proteaceae plant species. This flower is very unusual looking and grows in the Southern Hemisphere. Most Banksia are shrub flowers, but some could grow on very strong trees too. Foliage is diverse and spreading. Flower heads are complex with unique spikes, shaped like cones. The head of the flower consists of thousands of single tiny flowers affixed to an axis in the center.
The flowers give off an intense honey scent and are rich in nectar, being an important source of food for pollinators and birds. In some cultures, Banksia is symbolic of rebirth and new beginnings. It is native to Australia. The plants have a regenerative quality, and store robust nutrients in their stems. They live long in vases when kept as cut flowers.
This flower that starts with b, is known as Angel’s Trumpet too. It comes from a family of ten kinds of flowering plants. Native to South America, it grows in many other parts of the world too. The flowers are a light lemon color and are formed in a drooping trumpet shape. The leaves are simple, large and pendulous. The flowers have a fragrant aroma and orange and bright yellow varieties are seen too.