We all cherish flowers in our way. Flowers create special table decorative pieces in our houses and apartments and are magnificent in our yards. Flowers, such as bouquets, boutonnieres, and floral hairpieces, play a significant role in ceremonies and special occasion traditions.
We all have our favorite flowers, but there are so many kinds to choose from! There will undoubtedly be several that we have never heard of.
Here’s a list of flowers that start with q. An accent on popular and well-known varieties:
List of 5 flowers that start with q
Queen Anne’s lace

Queen Anne’s lace, also known as wild carrot, bird’s nest, and bishop’s lace, is a white, wildflower herb flowering vine of the Apiaceae family. It is home to temperate Europe and southwest Asia and has naturalized in North America and Australia. It grows in a variety of damp environments, including sides of the roads, open areas, and forests. Daucus Carota is its scientific name.
The blossoms of Queen Anne’s lace have a plain white shirt with a single purple flower in the center. Blooms are seasonal from late spring through mid-fall. The bloom cluster consists of a swarm of small white petals. Every blooming has three excessively long, deep greenish, slender, tapering sepals that support spherical lobes of different sizes. The floral cluster begins curled up and then unfolds to enable pollination to take place. When the clustered goes to sprouts at the end of the regular season, it wraps itself back up like a backward umbrella.
Queen Anne’s lace belongs to the carrot family. They emit a carrot-like odor when smashing with the foliage and branches.
Queen Anne’s lace acquired its popular name from a legend. The legend tells of Queen Anne of England (who was an expert lace maker) pricked her finger with a needle and a drop of blood dropped on white lace. She was sewing, staining it with the dark purple floret found in the flower’s center.
Queen’s Cup

The Queen’s Cup plant with the scientific name Clintonia Uniflora is home to the mountainous regions of western North America.
Bride’s bonnet, queen’s cup, or bead lily are all frequent names for this flower. This annual flowering plant belongs to the Liliaceae family of lilies. This species is different from others in the family Clintonia by its specific epithet Uniflora, which means “single-flowered”. It’s also referred to as the single-flowered Clintonia due to the above-mentioned reasons.
Queen’s cup is a magnificent perennial herbaceous wildflower with underground rhizomes that distribute. It thrives in rich moist soils, direct or indirect sunlight, or shadow. It features large lance-shaped basal green colored leaves and six-petaled white blooms.
The Queen’s cup blooms with magnificent white star-shaped flowers from late May through July. A small blue fruit emerges on the summit of the short stalks after the flowering season has ended, and it is dangerous to humans.
Queen’s cup flowers prefer the shelter of the forest canopy, although you will also find them along streams and rivers with dense vegetation. The Yukon is their northernmost point, and they can be seen as far south as California. The Cascade Alps in Washington form their eastern border. These flowering plants are found in North America, Europe, and Asia’s sub alpine and subarctic remote areas.
The Lower Nlaka’pmx smash the blueberries and employ them as a blue dye. The Lil’wet’ul and Okanagan have been using the leaves to treat eye infections and also help to stop the bleeding.
This little, lovely bloom is mostly found in a variety of gardens and botanical parks.
Queen of Meadow

The scientific name for Queen of the Meadow is Filipendula Ulmaria. Other names for it include meadow sweet, pride of the meadow, meadow-wort, meadow queen, lady of the meadow, dollof, mead sweet, and bride wort. It is a Rosaceae family perennial herbaceous plant that typically thrives in moist grasslands.
Meadowsweet is derived from the Old English words meodu, which means “meadow,” and swete means “sweet, pleasing, or flavorsome.”It makes wonderful honey with roughly 150 tiny blooms and has powerful analgesic qualities.
Queens of Meadows grows naturally in most of Europe and Western Asia (Near East and the Middle East). It has been planted and naturalized in wetland areas throughout Europe and North America.
Meadowsweet can reach a height of 1 meter and a width of 40 centimeters. Meadowsweet blooms in umbrella-shaped clusters (up to 30 cm across).
Queen of Meadow flower features fragile, elegant, creamy-white blooms. The flower is particularly found clustered close together in irregularly branching cymes with a rich, sweet scent. They bloom from early summer to early autumn and attract a variety of insects, including Musca flies.
Queen of the Meadow thrives on rich, damp to soggy but well-drained grounds. Full sun is ideal, but partial shade can be endured. This flowering plant should be cultivated in a backyard garden where the earth should not quickly evaporate. It has a sluggish root structure that forms clusters under the right water contents, but not big swarms. There are no root tubers in this variety.
Flowers are aromatic (almond-like) and have five parts with white corollas. The broad white petals spread widely before narrowing sharply to a clawed bottom. In the ripening stage, sepals number 5 are also greenish, small, and reflex. Each blossom has a slender stem attached to it.

Quesnelia is a plant species belonging to the Bromeliaceae family, subfamily Bromelioideae. Rosettes form at the terminal of the stems of trees and bushes. They usually flourish in more open regions with the optimum amount of sunshine.
The species is designated after Edouard Prosper Quesnel of Le Havre, a French industrialist and botanist. This family includes 22 varieties that are only found in eastern Brazil. These plants can be found in large quantities near the seaside or even further hinterland in marshy mountains and forests along the shoreline. They are quite robust, which is ideal for Brazil’s weather. The type subgenus and Billbergiopsis Mez are the two well-known subgenera belonging to this family.
There are almost 350,000 known plant species in the world today, with approximately 50,000 of them being unique to Brazil.
Quesnelia have solid green rosettes that create rigid, erect rosettes on these species. The cone-shaped flowers are borne predominantly in the cold season. They are simple to cultivate and require minimal upkeep. Once planted, they are drought resistant and freezing adaptable. They can also be seen blooming alongside streams and rivers in rainforests where there is a lot of moisture, and they get some sunshine for most of the day.
In the springtime, Quesnelia produces a vivid red blossom. They are preferred as excellent decorative bromeliads with attractive hues of red flowers. The plants reach a height of 2 to 3 feet (0.91 m) and have an equivalent spread. The sharply jagged margins of the long, strap-like leaflets.
Bright red flower stem develops from the center of the vine in springtime and climbs somewhere above the foliage. The spike’s colored section grows to be around 6″ to 8″ long and is noticeable even from a range. The blooming phase can extend for a few months.
Quaker ladies

Quaker ladies, sometimes known as bluets, are evergreen perennial flowering plants in the Rubiaceae family with the scientific name Houstonia Caerulea. The Quaker ladies are small flowers grouped at stem tips that bloom freely in spring, although some blossoming continues into summer and fall.
Eastern Canada and the eastern United States are home to this species. It can be adapted to a wide range of environments, including cliffs, mountain zones, woods, grasslands, and riverbank or lake coastlines. The natural Quaker Ladies can be located in southern Illinois’ easternmost belt of counties and dispersed locations (see Distribution Map). In this region, it is a rare breed. Sand grasslands, desert savannas, sandy roads through woody regions, sandstone meadows and cliffs, and moist rocky places along highland streams are some ecosystems. This flower grows in better-quality areas with less land cover.
The petals of the bloom are pale blue-violet (occasionally white), oval, and widely spaced. The bloom is yellow at the center of the petals.
Quaker ladies prefer moist, shady locations with slightly acidic organic soil, such as woodland stream banks. Plant this flowering plant in open fields, and in wet soils with poor drainage, avoiding hot afternoon sun. Quaker ladies proliferate by dispersing seeds or root pieces washed away from the parent plant during the fall torrential downpours.
Wildflower bluets are conveniently replanted and can be used to surround stepping stones, line outdoor walks, or complement other annual blooms in the yard. Gently uproot and replace clusters of the small bloom in another location on gloomy weather.
Quaker ladies bluets self-seed extensively, and whenever you see a clump of flowers, you may expect to see even more blooming bluets as the month’s rolls. Wildflower bluets are most usually found in gently shadowed forested regions, but because seeds are spread by breezes and birds, they can be mainly grown in a variety of locations.
This wildflower is fragile, elegant, and lovely. It is possibly the most attractive of the tiny wildflowers in its family.