Last updated on May 21st, 2023 at 09:32 am
Known by the scientific name Jacaranda mimosifolia, there are 49 species of jacaranda. The most common species is the blue jacaranda. Their etymological meaning has South American origins and comes from the Guarani word “jacaranda,” which means “sweet-scented.” Jacaranda also goes by Neel Mohar, black poui, nupur, fern tree, Brazilian rosewood, and Xicranda around the world.
These deciduous trees hail from the family Bignoniaceae. Native to South and Central America, they are also found cluttering the streets of Australia and Asia. They are popular in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Florida, Mexico, Botswana, Zimbabwe, New Zealand, Spain, Nepal, Pakistan, and India.
Their characteristic trumpet-shaped flowers grow in clusters and many shades of purple-blue. Their leaves resemble ferns and are dark green. Their blooming season is spring through early summer in tropical and subtropical areas. They make great avenue trees because they are known for their impressive height of 66 to 98 feet. Their canopying shade and stunning hues of violet outline the streets.
The flowers occur in conspicuously long branches, and each has five lobes. Their hard dark timber is also prized for its sweet-smelling aroma and goes by the names of violet wood, kingwood, or tiger wood. They can withstand some amount of drought and frost and live up to 150 to 200 years. They are mainly ornamental trees that can also be used as fillers to embellish bouquets.
What does the Jacaranda flower symbolize?
According to an Amazonian folk tale, it was believed that a beautiful young woman once accompanied a magical bird called Mitu, and they both came flying to land on top of a jacaranda tree. This woman was a moon goddess who came to earth to share divine knowledge and principles with the common people.
After completing her duty, she retreated to the tree brimming brightly with jacaranda blossoms. From there, she rose to the skies to take her place with her lover, the sun god’s son. Hence, these purple blossoms represent celestial wisdom.
In many campuses in Australia, the jacaranda trees are ubiquitously found in full bloom from spring to summer. This coincides with the graduation season, and the trees are closely associated with exam stress. The students refer to this period as “purple panic,” as the arrival of the jacaranda flowers signifies it is time to cram for finals and complete assignments. The jacaranda tree is hence also known as the exam tree.
Similar situations prevail in the South African capital city of Pretoria. It is considered a good omen during the jacaranda’s blooming period if the flowers fall on a student’s head. It is a sign that they will receive great results in all their subjects.
Another academic myth of the flowers dropping on students’ heads is believed to usher in good luck for whatever endeavor you are about to undertake. Make sure to swing by a jacaranda tree for a favorable result when you embark on an important phase in life.
Since the jacaranda trees bear their blooms in early spring after the dreary winter, they are connected with rejuvenation, rehabilitation, and reincarnation themes. They are good omen that signifies a change of seasons, circumstances, and outcomes.
Much like the haphazardly fallen jacaranda blooms on the pavement, the jacaranda flower is linked to people whose internal energy is running haywire. These flowers symbolize inner harmony, self-confidence, and converging energies. It is meant to inspire creative people who need more spark, finding it hard to focus their energy on what they love, and help them finish their projects.
This is in close relation to the jacaranda flower, the meaning of inviting good fortune. The flowers are believed to be carriers of the magical spring air that can bless the receivers with prosperity and material wealth.
All in all, the jacaranda flower symbolic meanings are:
- wisdom
- rebirth
- wealth
- good luck
- magic of spring
- elegance
- creativity
Meaning of the Jacaranda flower colors
Purple color

Fusing the tranquility of blue and the high energy of red, this shade of jacaranda blooms are propellants of wisdom, courage, ambition, and magic. Should this color of the bloom accidentally touch your head, assume that fortune has already favored the brave, and no obstacles will stand in your way!
White color

The white species of the jacaranda tree, known as the jacaranda mimosifolia alba, is unique to the continent of Australia. They can be found peppering the roads, parks, and campuses. Sometimes even used as Christmas trees, the species has been dubbed “White Christmas” by Australians. It signifies that the holiday season is fast approaching as it blooms simultaneously.
Mauve color

This shade of the jacaranda flower is associated with femininity, gentleness, innocence, and youth. Encountering this blossom on a verdant spring morning signifies healing of the mind, body, and soul. It encourages one to embrace their inner child and remember that sky’s the limit.
Blue color

The blue blooms of the jacaranda tree symbolize the motifs of innovation, inspiration, intuition, and emancipation. Finding yourself under this specific hue of the jacaranda tree denotes that you will soon be liberated from your predicaments and be able to envision solutions you weren’t able to before. It is a message from the universe that reads, “everything will be okay.”
Lavender color

Jacaranda flowers in lavender represent refined thinking, serenity, spirituality, and elegance. Stumbling onto these flowers is considered a sign from above that you are on the right track. They remind you to get in touch with your spirituality when you’re exhausted by searching for answers.
Interesting facts about the Jacaranda flowers
- The jacaranda trees were blacklisted as an invader and threat to indigenous African species in 2001. This is because of their highly invasive nature that overpopulates the region and threatens the native species. As a result, it is illegal to plant new jacaranda trees.
- The jacaranda seed pods are often seen decorating Christmas trees and used in dry flower arrangements.
- The animated Disney musical Encanto (2021) references jacarandas in the song “What Else Can I Do.”
- The scientific shade of the jacaranda flower in “mimosifolia” has a Latin origin of “leaves that resemble mimosa.” This is because the leaves of the blue jacaranda are similar to mimosa leaves.
- Much like the craze for cherry blossoms in Japan and South Korea, tourists flock to Mexico to witness the ethereal charm of the jacaranda flowers during the blooming season. The flowers can be seen draping the city in a cloudy violet carpet.
- All parts of the jacaranda tree are known for being poisonous. Some people are also allergic to its contact. They emit a musky and spicy sap that some people dislike. This sap sticks to surfaces and is hard to scrub off.
How to grow Jacaranda flowers
Growing jacaranda trees is primarily about having the correct atmosphere, as they are strictly southern trees that grow in Florida, Texas, and California.
Gardeners in the north frequently have succeeded in growing jacaranda as a huge houseplant and have been known to produce stunning bonsai specimens.
- Choose an open spot with full sunlight.
- Plant the jacaranda in any well-drained soil.
- Add topsoil or organic peat moss to the hole when you plant.
- Water regularly, at least for the first year.
- Keep the soil moist but let it dry in between waterings.
- Apply manure twice a year in July and Dec in the initial years.
- Stake the tree for the first year of its life.
How to care for Jacaranda flowers
- After flowering is done, trim the branch ends to promote denser growth.
- Clip off suckers that grow vertically and keep one main trunk with some major branches leading off from the middle.
- Keep excess branches cut to prevent the tree’s weight from splitting the trunk.
- Remove dead and broken wood around the year of operation.
- Avoid nitrogen-based fertilizers when the grass lawn is under grown.
Best time to gift Jacaranda flowers
The different shades of the jacaranda flower must be considered in gifting. The jacaranda trees can be gifted as saplings in regions where the species is not a threat to endemic species. They are only rarely used as a filler in mixed bouquets.
They are the perfect gift when your kids are taking exams or about to start a new grade. They would cheer up creative souls experiencing an art block or doubting themselves.
They can also be given as a lucky gift to people at festive gatherings, those who are starting a new journey, or looking for a big change. Since they symbolize wealth, the purple blooms are the right companions for people starting a new job or business venture.
They can also be gifted to plant lovers who would appreciate the display of color they will inevitably bring to their garden.
The jacaranda is one of the most stunning spring flowering trees, blooming in April or May as the bare branches of this temporarily deciduous tree start sprouting new growth.
Some think this lovely tree is “messy” since the petals fall and cover the ground beneath it.
Placement on a lawn rather than near sidewalks or roadways enhances the beauty of the fallen flowers while requiring little or no cleanup.
If you want to know and learn more about flowers, we at PansyMaiden can help you. Check out our fun, easy-to-read, and informative flower-related content that you will surely enjoy!